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Blackboard entry by Alan Abdulkader

A Creative Pool project by Alan Abdulkader (United States)

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Space 11, is a conceptual intervention of spatial studies generated through digital media processes and investigations; imagining a new space that is different from our daily sight and deforming the restrictions of what we expect from the spaces of our setting.  How can one react to a new space or transform its body by blending into an imaginative environment?  Can this new atmosphere become a potential future site and living condition?  In the course of these inventive studies I am considering architecture space as a living creature and a character within a narrative that reaches beyond the crisp edges of the façades.  Here architecture is an element of topography and a sky that goes beyond the 3D perspective and becomes complex.  It is no longer defined by a clear edge of a wall or a roof—the inside-outside blends into each other, into the environment, and into the atmosphere of the site.