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Blackboard entry by mETIC

A Creative Pool project by mETIC (Greece)

mETIC theatre group was created in april 2010, in athens, by maria trialoni & yorgos tsamis
they participated lately in mediterranea 16, young artists biennial-errors allowed, june 6th -7th luly 2013 | ancona, italy

- Homériade is a text by Dimitris Dimitriadis. 
We made this political performance based on the following main topics: xenos (foreigner) and eros (love).

This project will also be a direct reference to the myth of Homer "Odyssey", and examine individual issues such as: the meaning of soul-searching and self-awareness, the meaning of breaking with the tradition as a creative agent. 

Tradition is our beautiful nightmares, the assumption of bane, destruction and the absolute zero. Tradition is the forgotten knowledge of our basic functions. 

The performance leads to the realization of the necessity of synthesis of ourselves in relation to the foreign elements, such as: the consolidated view of society, stereotypes and constructed knowledge and truths.