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Blackboard entry by Eduardo Laguna

A Creative Pool project by Eduardo Laguna (Mexico)

My name is Eduardo Laguna AKA "eyeside", i am a 28 years old Mexican illustrator and designer, who discovered his passion for design one skating day while talking with a  friend about graphic design. A day that changed my life. I was studying engineering at that time and the decision was not welcomed in the family. So, I ended up studying parallel engineering and design, half a year after, I decided to dedicate to design.

For me, design means a constant challenge which keeps myself  full of euphoria, because i am always looking to do new things. I was an illustrator practical from my early years when my school notebooks were filled with drawings instead of texts. A sign shows that illustration has always been his best way of communicating. Colors, textures, characters and all of my artwork is product of my lifestyle, places I've visited, people I've met, troubles and achievements in my life. I found inspirations while riding the subway and watch people. Also I enjoy to see and study their expressions and their looks, which then leads me to invent stories and create characters.

Here down are my websites, hope you like them:

website: eyeside