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Blackboard entry by Jazz

A Creative Pool project by Jazz (United Kingdom)


Beholding anything in life, whether it be art, literature, a living being or an inanimate object, is not a simple one way transfer of meaning; the thing in question does normally give you some description of itself by simply being, but the beholder brings the entire context of their life to the object, seeing it through the tint of everything they have ever known, felt and experienced. So clearly, it is impossible to truly interpret anything without the bias of your life experiences, whether you’re aware of that bias or not.


This series is a photographic expolaration of perception; probing how we perceive images, the diversity of interpretation and the individual/istic contexts in which we look through when we see the world. Shot through the ambiguous medium of smoke, spliced of reality then grounded in symmetry. The work pays homage to the Rorschach test along with Gestalt principles.


There is no attempt to say that we should be completely blank canvases in all experiences, but instead, to be aware that that we are already heavily painted, and encourage multiple avenues of perception.