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Blackboard entry by Skizzomat

A Creative Pool project by Skizzomat (Germany)


Fri 11.09.12–Thu 11.15.12


Remixing Realities (Collage)


Remixing Realities is a group exhibition of the artists Quintessenz and Skizzomat. In their artworks reality is playfully taken out of context – but only to create new and powerful pictorial worlds, which reveal unknown facets in every-day things.

Skizzomat (Marie Luise Emmermann) presents a selection of "Glueless Collages" and "Papersculpts", an experimental artwork series created within the last 2 years. Her work is about dissecting superficial beauty, disintegration and alienation from familiar shapes and about recreation through what´s left out. Captured in simplified photographs the fragile objects finally find their structure – but still leave a certain irriation to the observer.

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