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Blackboard entry by Sounds of Silence

A Creative Pool project by Sounds of Silence (Germany)

Whenever the moon shines ...

an installation by Sounds of Silence

"The world must be romanticized" asked the poet Novalis.
We find that too!
At the site of the former Brentano living house "Zum Goldenen Kopf (The Golden Head)" - today, the Frankfurt car park "Hauptwache", awaits the visitors at this unromantic place a staging area full of longing and memories.

with: Torben Kessler (Schauspiel Frankfurt)
Light: Gregor Knüppel and Irrlicht
Sound: Gregor Knüppel

organized by: KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain und Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain, as part of "Via Brentano - Route der Romantik"