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Blackboard entry by Anne Sarah Skjoeth

A Creative Pool project by Anne Sarah Skjoeth (Denmark)

My name is Anne Sarah -
I am a graphic designer and illustrator based in Copenhagen Denmark.

I like to tell stories either in short or long sequences of pictures. As an example I would like to tell a bit about my master project - The Colour Out Of Space. A visually orientated reissue of H.P. Lovecraft’s Weird Horror story from 1927.

The thematic focus of this illustrated publication, is an uncanny encounter between the powerful cosmos and the helpless man. As in H.P. Lovecraft’s story, the uncanny remains unknown and undefinable. The aim was to create a contemporary dialogue between the written and the illustrated story. As a graphic reference, the format and layout is inspired by the pulpmagazine Amazing Stories, in which The Colour Out Of Space was first published.

I self-published the book and it is sold in Copenhagen and in Berlin – at Motto, Pro Qm, Do you read me?! and Bongoût. I like the idea of selfpublishing because it allows a lot of niche books to see the light of the day. For the same reason I like you Gestalten. I like the fact that you publish books on both mainstream and niche topics – and always in an interesting way.

I would love to work with you – in one way or another.
