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Blackboard entry by jenny lee

A Creative Pool project by jenny lee (United Kingdom)


Immateriality seeks to critically engage the public to question the future implications of how we choose to utilise science and technology in the future. Scientists believe that as technology continues to advance, that a new future human will evolve.

The Digital Couture Collection

Immateriality seeks to propose a concept where technologists become the designers of the future, utilising technology as their human design tools, to craft the new future human. Immateriality is the A/W’62’ collection of digital skins, inspired by morphogenesis and mineral crystallisation processes, a series of radical non-human like aesthetics have been fashioned. Providing a digital couture service that is tailored to the consumers needs, by facilitating the re-design and enhancement of the physical human-self, to enable the consumer to embody or become the notion of the perfect human.


AR (Augmented Reality) Bionic Contact Lens enables users to see the real world with superimposed data and graphics over their visual field. In the future consumers will each wear a Bionic Lens that will enable users to see multiple virtual identities of other consumers. A consumer will visit a Couture Lab, select the Digital Skin they wish to wear, this then is uploaded onto an online platform. When a consumer comes into contact with another consumer wearing a bionic lens, they will see their chosen virtual skin. Immateriality proposes a future that blurs the boundaries between the real and the virtual worlds; the accessibility to such technologies will enable consumers to enhance their physical realities with the virtual.

 a Collection of digital skins

 I designed a collection of virtual digital skins that was inspired by morphogenesis and mineral crystalisation processes. A series of radical non-human like aesthetics were fashioned, to engage the public to consider if we have the tools to-redesign ourselves, would we still look, feel and be human? I also worked in collaboration with a company called Holition who deal with a range of 3D technologies in particular Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality technology blurs the boundaries between the real and the virtual worlds; it superimposes graphics, audio and other sense enhancements over a live view of the world. Holition and I designed and developed new ways to utilise and implement the AR to enable a more tactile and tangible response to technology, bridging the gap between the immaterial and material worlds. We translated the digital skins into the technology, and developed face-tracking AR to create a virtual experience that would enable the public to interact and visualise the future technological impact on society and the self.


website: aikieu