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Blackboard entry by Hanakam & Schuller

A Creative Pool project by Hanakam & Schuller (Austria)

Les Tartes Calendar 2012
by Hanakam&Schuller for MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art

Comparing ornamental beautification of modern, anonymous architectural structures with cake icing draws on a metaphor which has been coined for the architecture of representative buildings in the Stalin era: the so-called “wedding-cake style.”
The Tartes by Hanakam & Schuller result from the artist couple’s ongoing occupation with dessert structures and toppings which they employ and explore as sculptural devices, translating the ranges of forms and color of these toppings into video animation, computer applications, objects, and occasional furniture.
The series of Tartes is made up of such a melange of computer graphics, object and paper-model kit. Twelve sheets with motifs from various themes can be assembled into individual pieces – which, when put together, make up an entire cake.
On the occasion of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK a 2012 calendar edition of the cut-out sheets was produced in cooperation with the MAK Design Shop Vienna.
Stick around: each month the recipes for the respective Tarte will be posted on our website at

Foto Credits: © MAK/Georg Mayer, 2012