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Blackboard entry by Atelier La Casse

A Creative Pool project by Atelier La Casse (France)


We are Graphic Design Workshop and typographical La Casse.

Our workshop attaches great importance to know how typography. This enthusiasm for the letter is expressed through the drawing of character, by the practice of composition and printing by movable type, also called letterpress. The workshop offers high quality items, combining traditional skills and modern composition.

It is in this spirit that our collaboration took place with the manufacturer ofnotebooks Calepino.
"ALTERATION" is a limited edition of 500 copies.
The term "case" merged to create a new and inspiring visuals of each booklet andthe etui ..
This project was Conceived, composed and printed at the Printing Museum of Nantes in polymer cliché, front / back on 100% recycled paperboard, in three colors by the workshop.


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Goodbye l'atelier La Casse