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Blackboard entry by Diana Condoros

A Creative Pool project by Diana Condoros (Netherlands)

The Cubic Mile of Oil is a unit of energy, created by Hew Crane to aid in public understanding of global-scale energy consumption and resources.He applies the accessible volumetric unit of “a cubic mile of oil” to all energy sources, eliminating a multitude of units such as tons of coal, gallons of oil, and cubic feet of gas, and obviating the need for mind-numbing multipliers such as billions, trillions and quadrillions.

The concept of the cubic mile of oil is used to create an awareness of the magnitude of the looming demand for additional energy,so daunting that we need effectively utilize all of our resources to surmount it.

The image above contains two infographic posters from a series of four, silkscreen printed(100x70 cm) in a limited edition.The project contains as well 250 calendars (21x13 cm) all hand stamped infographically with five alternative energies, representing a period of 50 years- energy in which they need to be developed to produce the equivalent of 1 cubic mile of oil.