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Blackboard entry by Jorge Restrepo

A Creative Pool project by Jorge Restrepo (Colombia)

Colombiage was inspired by the need to show the many different faces of Colombia and what a better way to do it than through its vibrant arts scene.

 Mainly performed in London, I created a collage mixing several elements between U.K. and Colombia. The festival was conceived as “collage” of talent, art forms and audiences; an alternative space for stimulating dialogues between Colombia and the UK, a space that would inspire new types of collaboration, encounters and discoveries.

I am graphic designer based in Barcelona, I love typography and I feel a particular obssesion by the color. I created a little editorial in Bogotá, Colombia and organize a congress of design titled fig. I created + WONKSITE STUDIO + at the end of 2002 and with this way has reached many projects like books as co-author of Masters of Photoshop 2, and participated in Latin American Graphic Design (Taschen), Atlas of Graphic Designers (Mao Mao publishers), Anniversary book (Dolce & Gabbana), 15th Anniversary Book (IdN), 1000 type treatments (Rockport) among others. In addiition worked to Computer Arts magazine (U.K.), RAD (Red Académica de Diseño, Colombia), Hoja por Hoja magazine (Mexico), P576 (Colombia), Blank magazine (Chile), etc.