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Blackboard entry by NOELIA LOZANO

A Creative Pool project by NOELIA LOZANO (Spain)

Composition made for the competition of the fall cover of a local magazine in my city , San Sebastián, about art and culture in our area and finally results the winner of the contest. The entire composition was made using colored crafts of paper.

Hello! My name is Noelia Lozano and I study graphic design, before this study journalism, where I learned the basics of communication then I switch to something more technical, telecommunications. Curse a degree in telecommunications and computer systems and work as a draftsman designer for a telecommunications engineering for three and a half years but the truth .... it was a job that I did like but not enjoyed ..... It was then that I decided to turn my life leaving work to go for a world that I had always been attracted with and study graphic design. 

I love everything related to the applied arts and felt the need to start a new path in which I could develop my own projects.