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Blackboard entry by Menta

A Creative Pool project by Menta (Spain)

“Cuarto Creciente” is a documentary film that offers a inside vision of the evolution of design in the Region of Valencia over the last 25 years.

The video starts with the creation of the Designers’ Association of the Valencia Region (ADCV) and weaves its way through the history of a profession that has marked numerous generations, using different testimonies and first-hand accounts. The documentary features professionals such as Nacho Lavernia, Pepe Gimeno, Nacho Gómez-Trenor, Elisa Talens, Raúl Ferris, Víctor Arráez, David Ortiz, members of the CuldeSac and Néctar design studios, as well as individuals beyond the borders of the Region of Valencia, such as the designer-architect Juli Capella and the director of the magazine Experimenta, Pierluigi Cattermole.

This project takes place within the framework of activities carried out for the 25th anniversary of the Designers’ Association of the Valencia Region (ADCV), which was celebrated in 2010. The goal of this documentary is not only to provide a historical review of the association’s origins, rather to illustrate the achievements, difficulties and challenges of a relatively young profession that has developed in parallel to the association. It is a story symbolising the prosperity of a collective that still conserves some of the traces that differentiate it from other geographical areas, such as Catalonia, Madrid or London.

Directed by: Menta 
Art direction and produced by: Menta
Editing by: Vicente Mallols (Vixel)
Post-production: Vicente Mallols and Menta
Interviews written by: Cristina Gómez and Menta
Sound design: Nacho Martín
Music by: Nacho Martín (Música para la Imagen)
Translating and subtitles by: Marta Ortells
Press: Alicia García and María Lapiedra
Graphic design: Menta
Sponsoring: IMPIVA & FEDE

website: Menta