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Blackboard entry by Rh Fernando Halcón

A Creative Pool project by Rh Fernando Halcón (Spain)

Fernando Halcón Ruiz (1969). From His childhood exploits for drawing business school STI and His great imagination. Intent on finding a way to Communicate Distinctive artistic staff and Concerns, Studies in the School of Applied Arts in Madrid (Spain) and later, in 1989, I joined the Faculty of Fine Arts, where, I have artistic historical character Developed by graphic art Marked Strongly . After Obtaining a Masters degree and a University degree in Graphic Communication in 1997, you Participate in a variety of contests, exhibitions and artistic projects and graphics. 

In the last 12 years working as Has Been a creative graphic designer, illustrator, publisher and art director for Various agencies and publishers, while Maintaining historical study of painting and graphic art in the province of Guadalajara Where It art exhibitions have organized to date today, Both inside and outside Spain. 

His artistic work is Constructed in a predominantly graphic base, blending the Technique of drawing, illustration, painting (acrílicos-acuarelas-. ..) and collage or photomontage and digital technology sometimes.The Basic Development of the form is Mostly Focus on the use of paper as base material of communication metaphorically That Represents the mass and massive bombardment of visual information in our current culture Contained of hyperconsumism and the hypercomunication. 

His artistic work is constructed by mixing the techniques of drawing, illustration, painting, collage and digital technology. Through his personal way of artistic communication, Fernando Halcón offers us an interesting look into the current social environment and to the individuality. Common fears, concerns shared in the social mass to which each of us belong, feed passages of his iconography.