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Blackboard entry by Million Dollar Design

A Creative Pool project by Million Dollar Design

Please check out our newly finished project! In 2008, the Amsterdam Public Transport Company started to transform varioussubway-carriages into riding artworks. When we read on the website of Kunstenaars&Co that you could submit your own design proposition to renovate one of the 30 year old subway cars, we did it immediately - in a heartbeat! An artist could submit an idea and out of all those submission, 40 artists were selected to create a new subway interior. And then we got the news: we were selected! After a little dance of joy we started our work, what a great assignment! With our design, the common dark gray atmosphere of the underground has been transformed into a colorful underwater world. Mermaids swim along, an octopus hides under an umbrella and a turtle takes you on a journey into the unknown. The subway consists of two differently designed so-called 'bins' (compartments). One has a predominantly green color which reminds you of the deep underwater, where strange little creatures are floating around. The other which is purple, suggests that it's closer to the surface, where small fish are flirting with the sparklings of the sunlight onto the water.