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Blackboard entry by Torben

A Creative Pool project by Torben

Artist: Sean Lyman (USA)

Title: Initiation of Rights


US-artist Sean Lyman preferably works with charcoal and pencil, creating mostly monochrome portraits of humans in ther everyday-situations.

But he breaks with the usual by hiding their faces behind towels or animals-masks - preferably sheep, horse or rabbit.

Some of his character even carry around guns or axes which makes the viewer wanting to dissociate from the artist.

Anyhow, the classical trained artist manages to draw the attention of many.


Sean Lyman will be attending the opening.



Opening: 27.11.2010, 8pm

Exhibition: 27.11. - 31.12.2010




Nice/Nice Exhibition Space

Deisterstr. 55

30449 Hannover


Opening hours:

We-Fr 3-7pm

Sa 11am-4pm