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Blackboard entry by Am Ende glücklich...In The End Happy...

A Creative Pool project by Am Ende glücklich...In The End Happy...

On Friday 09.12.2011 is the opening of the first group show in forma-t: "Am Ende glücklich..." or "In The End Happy..."
Approximately 30 illustrators and artists have created and donated works to mark the ending of 2011 and celebration in the gallery. Meaning you can win one or all them!  
All one must do is stop by, choose your favorite artwork(s), buy a ticket, bid by placing your ticket into the box beneath your selection and wait until Sunday 11.12.2011, when at 4:00pm the drawing begins and you may be the lucky winner of an original artwork!
The exhibition starts on Friday 09.12.2011 at 7:30pm. From then you can buy tickets for 10 € each until Sunday 11.12.2011 at 3:00pm.

You can find forma-t in Lehrter Straße 9, 10557 Berlin.
Opening times for this show are as follows:

FR 7:30 - 11:00 pm
SA 1:00 - 6:00 pm
SU 1:00 - 6:00 pm

website: forma-t