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Blackboard entry by Alex Wright

A Creative Pool project by Alex Wright

Dripbook is proud to announce our newest feature on Dripbook, a pretty big one - Dripbook Sites. The feature allows artists to export a fully customized, professionally designed, Flash-based web site driven by their books on Dripbook. You customize it, Dripbook powers it. This feature is a great tool for artists to make a great Web site quickly, easily, and for real cheap. You can read about Dripbook Sites here: Have your questions answered here: And see examples of other artists using Dripbook Sites here: Alex Wright, Photography - using the Thumbnails Grid template: Alain Derderian - Graphic Design and Photography, using the Slider Template: Jacob Snavely, Photography - using the Slider Template: Combustive Motor Corporation, Multimedia - using the Thumbnail Scroller Template: Here is an Access Code for readers of Die Gestalten to make accounts on Dripbook : Dba_dg_8723 Image removed.