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Blackboard entry by Bärbel Bold & Ingo Italic

A Creative Pool project by Bärbel Bold & Ingo Italic

Bärbel Bold and Ingo italic are looking for 2 typeaffine 'Subletters' for LettersAreMyFriends - berlin first typographic concept store, where type meets new technology! Wanted: likeminded co-working creatives who share our passion for the well-dressed alphabet vs. new technology. We 're looking for fellows who not only share the room with us in a symbiotic way but who bring some excitement for and the willing of connecting to our letters are my friends-concept.
This means, they need to be anyway addicted to type, design (no matter what kind of design), new media -like we are-, and want to push this theme in a extraordinary way.
We like open minded people with a grounded feeling for work and life and appreciate working experience and reliabilty for a long time relation.
We having a beautiful renovated workspace right between Kotti & Hermannplatz with a frontshopwindow-showroom.
Drop us a line about yourself and your most favourite letter.

Spread the word or email us: info [at] (info[at]lettersaremyfriends[dot]com)

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