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Blackboard entry by Gestalten / Competition

A Creative Pool project by Gestalten / Competition


Gestalten has teamed up with the international typography conference TYPO Berlin 2012 to give away 1 FREE Professional ticket worth 650!

Taking place at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt from May 17th to 19th, the conference this year is themed "Sustain".

"For decades, design has been looking for something new, for something different – often at the expense of resources and global justice. Many companies have already had to learn things the hard way, because they ignored contemporary social values. Others have learned from the crisis and take social and ecological matters into consideration in their business strategies. Discover at TYPO Berlin 2012 sustain the long-living and the constant in design!"

To enter this competition, post a recent project—or if you feel up to the challenge, create new work—that visualizes sustainability on our Creative Pool page. Anything from graphic design, information graphics, illustrations to moving images and photography.  

Competition closes on April 26th, 2012 at 18:00 Berlin time. One winner will be selected by our Gestalten editors based on their design merit and notified by email on Friday, April 27th. The winners' names will be published on the Gestalten Creative Pool page. This competition is international and entries will accepted from designers in any country, but please note, winners will be responsible for covering their own travel and accommodation.