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Blackboard entry by Guillermo

A Creative Pool project by Guillermo (Argentina)

Chacana project is a work of codes created by the Argentine artist Guillermo Jones. Created in 2012, measuring 100 x 100 cm. Is a: Digital image printed on paper, this accompanied with a magnifying glass Ø 90 mm. A series of 5.

The text of this book says: The increase of consumption, which can be seen as an auspicious figure for the economy, leaving aside the fact that resources are not infinite. That after these conceptualizations there lives. What we value and reward? I hope we can reformulate our structures to achieve generating other realms. Bourdieu says "those who deplore the cynicism that identifies men and women of today must not omit to relate to the socioeconomic conditions that favor and demand ..." Respect the land that sustains us, blanket supports the seeds and water make it possible for this great mystery is revealed, respect life. Well, Victor Grippo said "It is the ethical and aesthetic option for all individuals to see how high in the sky vertical expertise in the world can achieve before returning to the earth."

Allinta llamkay (works well) - Allinta yachay (learn it) - Allinta kuyay (loves it) - Ama sua (not steal) - Love llulla (no lie) - Ama Quella (not subject)

website: En Progreso