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Blackboard entry by Ian Barrington-Brown

A Creative Pool project by Ian Barrington-Brown (United Kingdom)


I am a london based artist, my practice varies as to needs but predominantly my work lies within lowbrow,  exhibiting  in london and internationally.

I found you through purchashing The Upset in 2008 -I believe has  changed and progressed my practice further.

Many thanks!


The picture submitted is from series mosaic, mixed media works of 3D and mixing paint wiuth Blood or Potassium permanganate my interests and concerns lies in religous and contemporary social contructs. fear, beauty, love, despair.with Christianity/ Catholism and Buddhuism being returning features; with influences from pornography,  transcendtalism, heirynomous Bosch, Edgar Allan Poe,.  and many within the lowbrow scene.

I would like to be considered to be on/ part of the Gestalten Pool.

Best Regards!
