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Blackboard entry by Johanna Fuchs

A Creative Pool project by Johanna Fuchs (Germany)

Das Kleine Schwarze (literally translated: little black, colloquially used in the German language for „little black dress“)

A Tribute to the big effect of a small character. The comma ist one of the smallest characters of our written language. Especially in the digital age typographic characters run the risk of losing importance. Because of the preferred writing in small form letters and headwords punctuation marks seem to become more and more unnecessary.

Especially this one character which is often used wrong or not at all is important for understanding and denotation of the literary language. One misplaced comma could change the whole meaning of a sentence and may cause serious consequences. 
The book at hand centers on such effects and aims to draw well-deserved attention for that small character by playful handling of it‘s grammatical features.