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Blackboard entry by Martin Lord

A Creative Pool project by Martin Lord

«On y est presque» solo show of Martin Lord From october 3 to november the 28th 2009 Opening on oct 3-2009 from 5h pm Castel of La Roche-Guyon 1, rue de l'Audience 95780 La Roche-Guyon 01 34 79 74 42 information [at] Transfert is available from Mantes-la-Jolie and La Roche-Guyon on reservation Until 25 oct. from monday to friday 10h-18h and week-end 10h-19h and from 26 oct. to 28 nov. from monday to sunday 10h-17h Inspired from the universe of the comic book crossing the polar novel and the science fiction, the exhibition presents a group of drawings and of sculptures which infiltrate into various rooms of the castle. The spectator is invited to discover a gallery of characters and objects stemming from a moved narrative. The solo show " Almost there " offer an opened reading of a mistyrious and poetic story.