The objective of this e-zine is the one to serve as a inspirational source to artists, advertisers, designers and communicators in general who wish to explore new alternatives of expression through graphical samples of design. The magazine is distributed freely in digital format through the Revolutionart's Web site and it's available for the users in format pdf to download. The reach of the magazine is as ample as the origin of its participants and it will be in the conventional networks of distribution and underground of Internet The invitation to participate is open to all public until. The participants will have to send their samples in format JPG to 920x 550 pix of dimension and 100dpi of resolution indicating name, country, website and company if is the case. Many works can be sent, but the best ones will be selected. Finally send it to: hola [at] placing in the subject: "REVOLUTIONART". Check the website for the current theme.
Blackboard entry by REVOLUTIONART
A Creative Pool project by REVOLUTIONART
