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Blackboard entry by Ronald van der Meijs

A Creative Pool project by Ronald van der Meijs (Netherlands)

Section 31 Part 63  

Year: 2011

Size: 8 x 6 x 1.8 meters. Materials: Lexan film, PVC rivets, paint, plywood, strobe. Location: light art festival, Winter Light II, Juliana, Schiedam.

The location-based installation implies that it is a part of a huge structure. It refers to the activities of the famous shipyard Wilton - Fijenoord. Located on the back of the Julianapark. The discredited and defunct shipyard donated the park to the municipality of Schiedam. The yard also made controversial weaponry, submarines and dubious secret missions during World War II. The image calls up associations clearly partly true but not quite. The delicate skin inside out and is on the wrong side of the rafters. In the darkness of the Winter Light festival of light, the image is illuminated by huge flashbulbs. This image is only a fraction of a second well and asked to hang onto the retina as a chimera, like a film from the past.