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Blackboard entry by Sibyl Cherry Lai

A Creative Pool project by Sibyl Cherry Lai (Hong Kong SAR China)

The internet is a remote communication device that reduces personal contact. 
Facebook is one of the most popular communities in worldwide today. 
It provides users a medium to connect with friends. However, dose it really 
achieve the goal of shortening the distance of men? Or, contrarily, it eliminates 
and blocks the authentic relationship between people?

Through the book Type fast, talk fades, the ideology and practical function of 
Facebook are presented by editorial and typography media. It is to re-present 
the contents of the Facebook from my observation on its community, as seen 
from my perspective. 

The book has divided into 12 sections. Each section demonstrates one feature 
of Facebook. It is hoped that the readers could make reflections on whether 
Facebook advances communication or block communication.