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Blackboard entry by Silviu & Irina Székely

A Creative Pool project by Silviu & Irina Székely (United Kingdom)

26X22.5 cm photo-montage//paper//collage

Even though the oscillating stimulation of hand-graphed recording devices was not strong enough to cause a significant disturbance to all repetitive activities spontaneously undertaken within our buildings every evening at 7 o’clock, a decontamination unit will still be deployed and positioned outside each building, ready for demolition or refurbishment in line with the alternative plans of evacuation. Exceptional and spectacular results can be achieved only by using a tiny tilting mirror attached to a sophisticated diaphragm described by circular monosyllabic lexical compounds. Having established this reversible anamorphic condition, every rare and intermittent event will be displayed from now on only for a limited time and under strict supervision. However, transitional episodes of isometric muscle contractions might occur every time the reconstruction of an object is imminent.