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Blackboard entry by Sofie Winther Foged

A Creative Pool project by Sofie Winther Foged (Germany)

Normal.dotm 0 0 1 112 640 Århus Universitet 5 1 785 12.0 0 false 21 18 pkt 18 pkt 0 0 false false false


I’m an uneducated artist from Aarhus, Denmark. I was born in 1991 and have lived, worked and established an exhibition in Berlin since the beginning of June 2012.



Right now I am very interested in capturing an accurate impression/cast of different things, and have recently created installations of real people. Both children and adults. I like to get close to reality in my works.


installation, playacting, sculptures, radio, photography


I constantly seek new ways to express myself – most visual but also through other elements (for an example radio) I am very attracted to things that I admire and can’t really figure out. Right now I have a year off, and have moved to Berlin with a friend to develop my art and my interest within. 


website: Sfe Wnthr Fgd