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Less but better / Weniger, aber besser
By: Dieter Rams
Editor: Jo Klatt Design+Design Verlag, Dieter und Ingeborg Rams Stiftung
Format: 21 x 29.7 cm
Features: Softcover, 155 pages
Language: bilingual EN/DE
Price: € 29.90 (D) £ 27.50 $ 40
ISBN: 978-3-89955-525-7
European Release: March
International Release: May
The new edition of the benchmark work published by the Dieter Rams Stiftung, which had been out of print.
Dies ist die Wiederauflage des vergriffenen Standardwerks, herausgegeben von der Dieter Rams Stiftung. More about the book. / Weitere Infos zum Buch.
NOTE: All images must be credited in the following format:
“From Less but better, copyright Jo Klatt Design+Design Verlag 2014, courtesy of Gestalten 2014."
Please ask for permission first if you would like to review the book before the official publication date.