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The New Traditional
Heritage, Craftsmanship and Local Identity
Authors: gestalten & BESIDE
Features: Full color, hardcover, stitch bound, 272 pages, over 300 photographs
Format: 21 × 26 cm, 8 ¼ × 10 ¼ inches
Price: € 39.90 (D) 35GBP 60 (US)
ISBN: 978-3-89955-9842
@gestalten @beside_magazine #21stcenturycraft #gestalten
European Publication Date: March 17, 2020
International Publication Date: May 12, 2020
BESIDE is one of the world’s most forward-thinking media brands on a mission to bridge the gap between humans and nature. Cofounded by creatives Jean-Daniel Petit and Eliane Cadieux, BESIDE has grown–in only a few years–from a printed magazine into a media brand encompassing an online platform, workshops, a festival as well as a cabins project at the crossroads of nature and culture. Now in their first book, THE NEW TRADITIONAL (gestalten; in Europe in March / internationally in May 2020; € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 (US); 272 pages / more than 300 photographs), BESIDE draw on their unique perspective to bring more than 36 of the world’s most iconic craftspeople into the spotlight. We learn how these traditions are being revived, sustained, and adapted by a new generation that wants to lead a more meaningful and sustainable life.
Divided into three sections–people, rituals, and objects–THE NEW TRADITIONAL focuses on the people reviving the traditions that bring us closer to nature and to one another. We meet Whang-od Oggay, the most authentic tattoo artist in the world, the Japanese lacquerware maker Takeo Kudo, and globe maker Peter Bellerby. The profiles also feature the designer of the PET lamp, Alvaro Catalán de Ocón, and Jim Denevan who brought the table to the farm. As Catherine Métayer, BESIDE's Editor-in-Chief, writes in her introduction, “From Kenya to Korea, from Iceland to Canada, realities and traditions are strikingly different. But practitioners share a common yearning, a common ground. They are part of a movement for a 'new traditional'.”
The Canadian-based media brand BESIDE is committed to uncovering compelling initiatives, pursuing untold stories, and fostering impactful conversations at the crossroads of culture and nature. Through its biannual print titles and digital output, BESIDE reaches a global and diverse community of people committed to building a more sustainable future. Find them on Instagram @beside_magazine.
In The New Traditional versammelt das kanadische Medienkollektiv BESIDE spannende Geschichten von Menschen aus aller Welt, die regionale Traditionen und alte Handwerkskunst bewahren oder neu beleben. In über 36 Porträts lernen wir Menschen kennen, die ein nachhaltiges Leben führen, das eng mit unserem kulturellen Erbe und seinen Traditionen verbunden ist. Wir begegnen u.a. Whang-od Oggay, der mit 103 Jahren wohl ältesten Tätowiererin der Welt, Takeo Kudo, der die japanische Lackkunst vor dem Aussterben bewahrte, und Peter Bellerby, einem der letzten Globenmacher. Darüber hinaus erfahren wir mehr über traditionelle Salzgewinnung, Webkunst und Bienenzucht und wie moderne Schäfer in Italien und Island leben.
BESIDE, gegründet von Jean-Daniel Petit und Eliane Cadieux, will mit überzeugenden Geschichten einen alternativen Umgang mit unserer Natur vermitteln. Neben einer halbjährlich erscheinenden Printausgabe und einem Online-Magazin bietet BESIDE Veranstaltungen wie Workshops, Outdoor-Camps oder Talks an. Mit den verschiedenen Initiativen fördert BESIDE einen engagierten Austausch über Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz. The New Traditional ist ihr erstes Buch. / Instagram @beside_magazine
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